Friday, April 22, 2011

Intro to Flats and Prefolds

Let me start by saying I don't have any flats. They intimidate me. Basically, it's a piece of fabric that you fold into a diaper. The good things about these is that you can really customize the fit. Since it's essentially a piece of fabric it's easy to clean and ensure a good clean. Also, I've heard of people using receiving blankets as flats which would be great in a pinch and inexpensive. These need to be secured with pins or a snappi (stretchy t-shaped fastener with teeth on each end to hook the diaper). These also don't have a water-proof layer and would need a cover. The bad part, did I mention they're intimidating? Wiggly babies, folding a diaper . . . it just wasn't a learning curve I'm up for. That said, I heard of plenty of mommas that love them.

Next is prefolds. Like flats, they are a piece of fabric that you have to fold into a diaper, secure, and cover. The difference - less folding and the middle ("wet zone") has more absorbency already built in. They can also be trifolded and just laid in a cover as well if you aren't up for folding. They come sized (preemie, newborn, infant, capri, regular, premium) for a more exact fit. I have heard of people folding down larger prefolds to fit smaller babies, but I haven't seen it or done it myself.

I'll be using Econobum prefolds and Unbeached Indian prefolds in the premium size with snappis for my review. For covers I'll be using Thirsties Duos with velcro in size 2, Happy Heinys with velcro, Wonder Wraps, a side snapping Bugga Bugga Boutique cover, knitted wool, and upcycled wool. This is just what I have on hand, there are also prefolds made of hemp or bamboo available and many many many cover options.

Wish me luck. Prefolds aren't my specialty.

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